
Bread is a bookshelf app for you. It helps you to save books for later use or leave comments about the books. I re-designed user experience of Bread iOS application like the that of Android, which follows Google material design guideline. And I also developed Android application for Bread.


How did I get started?

It was past 2AM. I was working BTTENDANCE iOS app in a 24 hour cafe. There were three more people working lately. Somehow I lost concentration, and I opened up Facebook to see what other people were doing. There was a KAIST computer science group and I sent out a friend request to someone I found interesting. His name was Chanil and he accepted the friend request so quickly. Several months later I got a message from Chanil, and he said he wanted to meet me and talk about startups and our lives. I said ‘yes.’
We were talking in a cafe and found out that we both applied to the same government supporting program. Of all the days, that day was the announcement of the candidates. It got very awkward because I was one of the candidates and he wasn’t. However, I found that the government support is not that helpful because they requested too many documents and also there were too many restrictions and limits. So I dropped out from the program.
I needed someone who could support me financially with my business. Since Chanil had the money support and in that moment, he needed someone to make his iOS application into an Android version, we agreed to help each other out. Maybe by helping out his ‘bookshelf app’ maybe I can finally find some interest in reading books.


2014.09 ~ 2014.10


  • Chanil Kim
    Project Managing
  • Leonardo Taehwan Kim
    Android App Development, UX Design
  • Haejeung Paik
    UI Design, Graphic Design

Integrated Open Sources



