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Published Projects
Bubblics is a photo sticker application like Giddy Sticker or Giddyology. It lets you say more about your photo with special emojis and customizable stickers. I developed Android application and homepage for Bubblics. Also, I'm in the charge of marketing of the project.
Globee is a native tutor matching service, which has similar user interface to that of Tinder. I carefully re-designed user experience of the application from the first draft of wireframe, designed database model and developed server. Chanil and I developed the Android and iOS applications for Globee.
BTTENDANCE is a smart teaching assistant service. It provides 3 main features: automatic attendance checking, audience response and delicate notification system. I developed back-end server, Android application, iOS application and homepage and designed user experience for BTTENDANCE.
Bread is a bookshelf app for you. It helps you to save books for later use or leave comments about the books. I re-designed user experience of Bread iOS application like the that of Android, which follows Google material design guideline. And I also developed Android application for Bread.
Vingle is an interest based social network service and it has similar features to those of Pinterest, which allow you to signup, to fetch feeds, to like or save the posts. Chansuk and I developed the Android application for Vingle from the back-end by handling network to the front-end by implementing customized graphic user interface.
Music Off is developed into both Android and iOS applications, which help people to turn their musics off while they are sleeping. Simply, it is a timer for music with automatic sleep checking algorithm. I designed user experience and developed Android and iOS applications for Music Off.
Open Source Projects
YouTubePlayerActivity is an Android library, which plays YouTube video simply by passing the video url.
InstaTag is a sample Android application to edit and share photo. This sample application gives some idea to integrate Adobe Creative SDK.
InstagRealm is a sample Android application, which shows you how to integrate some of the most popular Android libraries together such as Realm, Royal, RecyclerView, CardView, Retrofit, Fresco, EventBus, Butterknife, Material Dialog and Logger.
MovingButton is an Android library which extends Android button that moves in eight direction.
Beautiful and customizable Android Activity that shows web pages within an app.
Unpublished Projects
Tilt Code is a sophisticated algorithm for finding someone or something near you. It supports nearby messaging system using smartphone sensors such as gyroscope sensor, orientation sensor and GPS. I developed back-end server and Android application for Tilt Code. Also, I designed user experience and user interface of the application.
Moving Key is a keyboard application that gives you extra key just by moving it up and down or left and right. I developed Android application and also re-designed user experience and user interface for Moving Key.
Watch Out is a service that protects you from sexual violence. It shows you every sexual criminals' whereabouts and information about reported sexual violence. I developed Android application and designed user experience for Watch Out.
MusiCon is a music player, which has a user interface that looks like an LP disc. It has many features such as music timer, music alarm and music history list. As a team leader, I designed user experience for MusiCon. Personally, I liked the design of this project a lot!