Published Leonardo Kim Published Leonardo Kim


Bubblics is a photo sticker application like Giddy Sticker or Giddyology. It lets you say more about your photo with special emojis and customizable stickers. I developed Android application and homepage for Bubblics. Also, I'm in the charge of marketing of the project.

Bubblics is a photo sticker application like Giddy Sticker or Giddyology. It lets you say more about your photo with special emojis and customizable sticker. I develop Android application and homepage for Bubblics. Also, I'm in the charge of marketing of the project.


How did I get started?

It was during the weekend, maybe Saturday if I remember clearly. Min, the graphic designer, and I were working when suddenly, Min gave me an idea about an app. Min told me that she wanted to make an app and is very simple. She said she found many people, usually girls, edit their faces with stickers to cover some of their faces. So, her idea was simply make a customizable copy & paste pop-up for users. Though I was working on another project, I was interested so I looked up whether there are any other apps similar to her idea. I found one app called Sense Sticker, and since the users’ comments and interests about the app was not bad, I agreed and said, "Yes, I can make this app in 3 days". Turns out, I needed 3 months.


2015.05 ~ Current


  • Leonardo Teahwan Kim
    Management, Android App Development, Homepage Development, Marketing
  • Min Kim
    UX Design, UI Design, Graphic Design

Integrated Open Sources

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