Globee is a native tutor matching service, which has similar user interface to that of Tinder. I carefully re-designed user experience of the application from the first draft of wireframe, designed database model and developed server. Chanil and I developed the Android and iOS applications for Globee.
Globee is a native tutor matching service, which has similar user interface to that of Tinder. I carefully re-designed user experience of the application from the first draft of wireframe, designed database model and developed server. Chanil and I developed the Android and iOS applications for Globee.
How did I get started?
When I was in Boston, I was in a program called KIC Start Mass Challenge Program. This program had over 20 startups companies who participate in this Mass Challenge. Myself included, we took accelerating courses for three weeks at Boston University Questrom School of Business. These courses helped us how to make a pitch, build our own businesses, and learned about other successful business stories. For three weeks, we stayed at a hotel, and eventually, I got closer with other participants. After the program ended and I went back to Korea, Junghak, a CEO for Zumanji, contacted me and said he needed my help to build a service app called Globee. I couldn’t reject his offer as he sounded urgent. Moreover, the concept of the app was appealing and since he just needed a prototype to show his New York investors, I agreed to help. However, the project turned out to be difficult as his investors were expecting a higher quality work.
2015.05 ~ 2015.08
- Leonardo Taehwan Kim
Project Managing, Server Development, Android App Development, iOS App Development, UX Design
- Chanil Kim
iOS App Development
- Wooyeol Choi
UI Design
- Junbum Shin
Product Links
Integrated Open Sources
- Parse
- Crashlytics
- support/design
- support/support-annotations
- support/support-v4
- support/appcompat-v7
- support/recyclerview-v7
- android/play-services-location
- android/play-services-analytics
- Facebook:AndroidSDK
- JodaOrg:JodaTime
- JakeWharton:Butterknife
- Orhanobut:Logger
- Facebook:Fresco
- Square:Picasso
- Afollestad:MaterialDialogs
- Rengwuxian:MaterialEditText
- Square:Otto
- Hdodenhof:CircleImageView
- Ongakuer:CircleIndicator
- Castorflex:SmoothProgressBar
- Hdodenhof:CircleImageView
- Chrisbanes:PhotoView
- Coomar2841:ImageChooserLibrary
- Vinc3m1:RoundedImageView
- Google:Gson
- Wdullaer:MaterialDateTimePicker
- JakeWharton:NineOldAndroids
- Facebook:iOSSDK
- Jverdi:JVFloatLabeledTextField
- JonasGessner:JGProgressHUD
- Sberrevoets:SDCAlertView
- Cruffenach:CRToast
- Zwaldowski:BlocksKit
- MuZZkat:NMRangeSlider
- Jessesquires:JSQMessagesViewController
- Hsousa:HCSStarRatingView
- Jdg:MBProgressHUD
- Danielamitay:DACircularProgress
- Mwaterfall:MWPhotoBrowser
- Ninjinkun:NJKWebViewProgress
- Rs:SDWebImage